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So far WET has created 258 blog entries.

Managing our Water – Campbell Live on the pLWRP

By |2017-05-18T03:45:05+12:00February 22nd, 2013|News|

Hearings for the proposed Land and Water Regional Plan are due to begin at the end of February. Independent commissioners have been appointed and will make recommendations. Details and a schedule are on the ECan website. TV3's 'Campbell Live' featured the Selwyn River and the catchment of Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere in a recent story about [...]

The Ultimate Balancing Act – March 20th, 2013

By |2017-05-18T03:45:05+12:00February 18th, 2013|Events, News|

As consumers demand traceability, sustainability, quality and competitive pricing, how can producers keep up without degrading our natural resources and native biodiversity for generations to come? See details here. WEDNESDAY 20th MARCH 2013 7.30pm, doors open 7.00pm Lincoln University, Stewart Building, Lecture Theatre One $5.00 koha. Refreshments and nibbles provided. Join respected broadcaster Kim Hill [...]

Research from Lincoln University

By |2015-12-01T21:07:50+13:00February 14th, 2013|News, Research|

Lincoln University's magazine 'Transform' is a round up of research underway at the University.  The latest edition, published in December 2012, includes a summary of Bernard Otinpong's PhD research - a visualisation tool for Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere. To find out more follow the link to the magazine and turn to P54.

Te Waihora Bird Survey 2013

By |2017-05-18T03:45:05+12:00January 28th, 2013|Events, News|

The Ornithological Society of NZ, Department of Conservation, Christchurch City Council, Environment Canterbury, Ngai Tahu and Waihora Ellesmere Trust are joining forces to undertake a bird count of the Lake on Saturday February 9th. And we're looking for volunteers to help on the day. We're looking for keen, committed and fit people to join one [...]

Canterbury Regional Policy Statement becomes operative

By |2015-12-01T21:07:50+13:00January 18th, 2013|News|

The Canterbury Regional Policy Statement (CRPS), which provides an overview of the Resource Management issues in the Canterbury Region, become operative on January 15th 2013. The key chapter for Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere is Chapter 10: Beds of Rivers and Lakes and their Riparian Zones. The CRPS includes objectives, policies and methods to achieve integrated management [...]

Lake and catchment related research

By |2015-12-01T21:07:50+13:00January 12th, 2013|News, Research|

Up to date and accurate information is essential for the planning processes involved in land and water management. Environment Canterbury has brought together a wide range of information on Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere and its catchment on one page of their website -  the page was recently updated. Reports and technical memos, many of them quite [...]

New section of Railtrail open for the holiday season

By |2017-05-18T03:45:05+12:00December 21st, 2012|News|

WET has had a longstanding interest in the development of the Rail Trail, in particular the section where it passes through the Ahuriri Lagoon area.  We're delighted to see that a new 4km section of Rail Trail, linking the two sections that have been developed previously, is now open. Earlier this year, with the route [...]

Calling keen photographers

By |2017-05-18T03:45:05+12:00December 10th, 2012|News|

If you're keen on photography, and like taking photos of the lake, you can enter the Waihora Ellesmere Trust section of the photography competition at the Little River A&P Show on Saturday January 19th. The theme of the photos must be related to the lake's flora, fauna or landscape and entries, up to 2 per [...]

Halswell catchment – drain management and restoration opportunities

By |2017-05-18T03:45:06+12:00November 24th, 2012|Events, News|

WET and the Whakaora Te Waihora team are hosting a bus trip and workshop around the Halswell River catchment on the evening of Tuesday December 4th, 6.30 - 8.30pm. More details are here. The event is free but places are limited.  Please register your interest (by Friday November 30th if possible) by emailing manager@ankiscakery.com or [...]

Lake is currently:CLOSED to the sea Latest lake level reading:0.83m msl recorded on July 17, 2023 READ MORE >>