Lake Level Management talk

By |2015-12-01T21:07:53+13:00March 29th, 2011|Events, News|

WET is hosting an evening talk about the management of the Lake level.  The speaker is David Aires from Environment Canterbury. WHEN: Wednesday April 6th, 2011 at 7pm WHERE: Leeston Community Room (Leeston Library) 19 Messines St, Leeston - look out for the WET flag at the entrance. There is no charge for this event [...]

Celebrating Selwyn

By |2015-12-01T21:07:53+13:00March 17th, 2011|Events, News|

As part of 'Celebrating Selwyn' 2011 WET will have a display and information at Leeston Library from March 25th to April 10th - come along and find more about what WET is doing. On April 6th, also at Leeston Library, WET is hosting an evening talk on Lake Level Management. The level of the Lake [...]

WET Events

By |2015-12-01T21:07:54+13:00October 4th, 2010|Events|

WET organises and participates in various events and on the Events page you'll find details of events that are coming up and information about some of the things we have been previously been involved in.

Annual General Meeting 2010

By |2015-12-01T21:07:54+13:00October 4th, 2010|Events, News|

NOTICE of ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2010 When:   Monday October 18th, 2010 at 6pm Where:   John Hayward Room, Lincoln University The meeting will begin at 6pm with guest speaker Scott Larned, who leads the Water Allocation research programme for NIWA. Agenda 1.     Apologies 2.     Minutes of the previous meeting 3.     Matters arising 4.     Financial reports 5.     [...]

Community planting days at Selwyn River/Waikirikiri sites

By |2017-05-18T03:45:09+12:00September 21st, 2010|Events, News|

Planting day details Friday 1 October – Chamberlains Ford Sunday 3 October – Coes Ford Both days start at 10am and will finish with a free BBQ sausage sizzle lunch. What to bring: a planting spade and gardening gloves and remember to dress for the weather. For more information Download the flyer here.   More than [...]

The Lake & The Land Tour & Celebration!

By |2015-12-01T21:07:54+13:00September 20th, 2010|Events, News|

On Sunday September 19th, 2010 around 65 people took up the opportunity to celebrate Te Waihora Lake Ellesmere, joining the bus tour hosted by Waihora Ellesmere Trust and Environment Canterbury. The fabulous spring weather and the complete absence of significant aftershocks provided further cause for celebration! The Tour focused on a small part of Te [...]

The Lake and the Land Tour is going ahead on September 19th, 2010

By |2015-12-01T21:07:54+13:00September 9th, 2010|Events, News|

We are pleased to announce that the Lake and the Land Tour and celebration will be going ahead as planned on Sunday September 19th. This is an opportunity to do something relatively 'normal' and to celebrate Te Waihora Lake Ellesmere. The Tour starts at 1.30pm.  If you have already accepted the invitation we look forward [...]

Ellesmere A&P Show, October 16th 2010

By |2015-12-01T21:07:54+13:00September 6th, 2010|Events, News|

WET will be at Ellesmere A&P Show in Leeston on Saturday Octpber 16th, 2010.  Come along and see us and find out more about what we do, how you can get involved or, if you are a landowner, how we may be able to help you.

Living Lake Symposia – 2007 & 2009, Lincoln University

By |2015-12-01T21:07:55+13:00December 21st, 2009|Events, News|

In 2007 WET organised a Living Lake Symposium, hosted by Lincoln University and supported by iwi, local authorities and other agencies. 180 stakeholders attended to share information and to increase the understanding of the way various issues are impacting on the values associated with Te Waihora Lake Ellesmere.  Details of that event and the key [...]

Lake is currently:CLOSED to the sea Latest lake level reading:0.83m msl recorded on July 17, 2023 READ MORE >>