The Waihora Ellesmere Trust was founded in 2003 after a period of community consultation regarding the management of Te Waihora / Lake Ellesmere and its tributaries. A Community Strategy was developed and a action plan that has guided the Trust’s work over the last 16 years.

The Te Waihora 2019 Living Lake Symposium is an opportunity to learn about some of the work and research that is being done around Te Waihora to improve water quality and biodiversity. The Symposium will also highlight the issues and challenges associated with this multi faceted water body.

The Symposium consists of two parts: a field trip and a presentation session.

Agenda for the day:

9 am meet at Lincoln University for a formal welcome and registration. This will be held in the Stewart building foyer

What’s hot, what’s not? Walking the talk and talking the talk.

1. Field Trip – Bus to three stops around the lake:

  • Embankment Road and Greenpark Sands
  • Yarrs Flat
  • Harts Creek

At each of these stops a number of speakers will talk on differing aspects of the lake and its environs; topics include water, human impacts, bird life, vegetation, weed and predator control, cultural aspects and local restoration.

Speakers include:

  • Dr Tim Davie (Chief Scientist ECAN)
  • Philip Grove (Ecologist ECAN)
  • Robin Smith (DOC, Living Water)
  • Gary Boyd (DOC)
  • Denise Ford (Manger WET)
  • Manauni Ramsden (ECAN)
  • John Leggs (Local Farmer, Harts Creek stream care group)

2. Lunch is provided at Lakeside Memorial Hall on Harts Road – catered for by the Ellesmere College PTA

3. Visit to Te Repo Orariki wetland at Taumutu

What’s working, what’s not? Updates and challenges

4. Return to the hall for a number of presentation on research and actions happening on the ground.

  • Katie Nimmo (Waterways Centre for Freshwater Management) – Integrated monitoring program
  • Katie Coluccio (Masters Student) – Groundwater processes in Te Waihora
  • Johanna Blakely (Masters Student) – Access and Impact: The Spatial Effects of Off-Road Vehicles on Greenpark Sands
  • David Murphy (Programme Manager) Whakaora Te Waihora program
  • Te Taumutu Rūnanga

5. Wrap up by the two Ken’s

6. Discussion about the day and afternoon tea.

Depart hall and arrive back at Lincoln University around 5.00 pm.

Cost (includes lunch): $25.oo Waihora Ellesmere Trust Members, $35.00 non members

Register for the Living Lake Symposium here