


Lake Apreciation Field Trip – September 19th 2010

We are in the initial planning phase of a Lake Appreciation Field Trip to take place on Sunday 19 September 2010.  Watch this space for further information or register your interest by email to

By |May 13th, 2010|Categories: Events|

Community Outcomes Feedback Draw

Congratulations to Helen Thian for winning $150.00 worth of native plants. Our sincere thanks to everyone who sent their feedback and participated in the community outcomes process.

By |October 14th, 2009|Categories: Events|

Annual General Meeting

The 2009 WET Annual General Meeting will be held at the Hayward Room, John Burton Building, Lincoln University, on Monday, 21 September 2009, at 7pm. This meeting is open to all members of the Trust. [...]

By |September 6th, 2009|Categories: Events|

Canterbury Restoration Day

If you are involved in biodiversity restoration, then this is the event for you. Learn from the experts about fund raising, establishing a trust, effective planning, and successful plantings. Hear the theory and experience the [...]

By |September 5th, 2009|Categories: Events|

Lincoln University Environment Day

WET is having a small presentation at the university enviroment day. All are welcolme to come and view our display. - 18th March, Lincoln University

By |March 18th, 2009|Categories: Events|

Lake is currently:CLOSED to the sea Latest lake level reading:0.83m msl recorded on July 17, 2023 READ MORE >>