


Canterbury Plantout 2013

Registrations are now open for this year's Plantout Event. Visit the TAK website for more details on how to register, and download the flyer here. Initiated and led by Te Ara Kakariki, with help from [...]

By |August 8th, 2013|Categories: Events, News|

Art Exhibition – register your interest now!

Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere - Expressions of the Living Lake At its Living Lake Symposium at Lincoln University in November 2013, WET will hold an art exhibition on themes that convey the stories of people's connection [...]

By |March 27th, 2013|Categories: Events, News|

Canterbury Plantout Tour 2013

Te Ara Kakariki have organised a tour of some of the sites planted as part of the last Canterbury Plantout.  This is a fantastic chance to visit some recently planted sites and to hear from [...]

By |March 26th, 2013|Categories: Events, News|

The Ultimate Balancing Act – March 20th, 2013

As consumers demand traceability, sustainability, quality and competitive pricing, how can producers keep up without degrading our natural resources and native biodiversity for generations to come? See details here. WEDNESDAY 20th MARCH 2013 7.30pm, doors [...]

By |February 18th, 2013|Categories: Events, News|

Lake is currently:CLOSED to the sea Latest lake level reading:0.83m msl recorded on July 17, 2023 READ MORE >>