Yarrs Flat is a 286 hectare Department of Conservation Wildlife Management Reserve on the northern shore of Te Waihora / Lake Ellesmere. The reserve has been identified as having outstanding value to wading birds. Has a high value for waterfowl, and moderate to high value for swamp birds. Yarrs Flat has been identified as an important feeding site for Australasian bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus). The bittern is classified as Threatened-Nationally Critical.
Predator Trapping Program
The Waihora Ellesmere Trust is working with the Department of Conservation to implement a predator trapping program at the Reserve. Monitoring is an integral part of any trapping program – you need to know what predators you have before putting the traps out.
Monitoring will consist of tracking tunnels and chew cards which will show the presence of mammals such as: mustelids, rodents, hedgehogs and possums. Four lines of tracking tunnels (10 tunnels in each line) have been placed out; two in a control zone i.e. away from the traps and two in the trapping area. The tracking tunnels will be monitored monthly to give an indication of the success of the trapping.
If you would be interested in helping with the monitoring and predator control program please email Denise at manager@ankiscakery.com. The trapping program will consist of kill traps; no poisons will be used.
Monitoring and Trapping data will be put on Trap.NZ
Trapping in New New Zealand is regulated by the Animal Welfare Act 1999. Traps used will be DOC 200 for mustelids (ferrets, weasels, stoats), rat traps (rats, mice) and trapinators (possums). All are designed to kill humanely and are approved by the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC).
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