2016 Te Waihora wetland bird count – the results are in
The results of the 2016 bird count, undertaken on February 13, 2016, have been collated. Visit the 2016 bird count page for more information.
The results of the 2016 bird count, undertaken on February 13, 2016, have been collated. Visit the 2016 bird count page for more information.
The Selwyn-Waihora Zone Committee is hosting a series of community meetings to discuss the rules in the Selwyn-Te Waihora Plan Change (Plan Change 1) of the Land & Water Regional Plan. Theses rules affect how nitrogen loss limits are to be managed and what land can be used for. At the community meetings you can [...]
If you are farming or have a lifestyle block in the Selwyn-Waihora catchment the new rules in Plan Change 1 will affect you. The Plan Change introduces new policies, rules and limits to manage water quality and water quantity in the Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere catchment, with particular emphasis on the long-term health of Te Waihora. [...]
Springston resident and artist Mike Glover has had enough of the "sad state" of the Selwyn River. In a front page article in the Central Canterbury News (Jan 20) - which can be viewed online - Mike explains his frustration that the river at the Upper Selwyn Huts is too polluted for swimming, and has been [...]
Canterbury District Health Board has lifted its algal bloom health warning issued in November 2015 for the Selwyn/Waikirikiri River at Coes Ford. Subsequent water testing at Coes Ford has shown the quantity of potentially toxic blue-green algae (benthic cyanobacteria) in the river has decreased and concentrations are now below the levels that are of concern to [...]
Are you interested in the birds of Te Waihora? Would you like to be part of the annual count which is helping to build up a picture of bird species and numbers at this amazing wetland, internationally recognised for its birdlife? The next survey will take place on Saturday February 13, 2016 - it's a great [...]
DOC's Threatened Species Ambassador, Nicola Toki, talked about the Australasian Bittern on the Afternoon programme on RNZ on December 4. Te Waihora is a stronghold for this nationally endangered species. There is more information about the Bittern or Matuku on the DOC website.
The Community and Public Health division of the Canterbury District Health Board have issued a health warning for Coes Ford. The warning follows finding high levels of potentially toxic blue-green algae (benthic cyanobacteria) in the Selwyn/Waikirikiri River. People and animals, particularly dogs, should avoid the area of the Selwyn River at Coes Ford until the [...]
Environment Canterbury has welcomed the announcement that a waterway in the Selwyn-Waihora zone has won the Morgan Foundation award for the most improved river in Canterbury. More information about the awards can be found here. Kaituna River took the award for Canterbury, determined by monitored trend decline in dissolved inorganic nitrogen. The Kaituna River is [...]
Nicola Toki, DOC's threatened species ambassador (formerly working in the Te Waihora Catchment with the Living Water project) appears on National radio each week to tell us about a 'critter of the week'. For October 9, Nicola spoke about the Canterbury Mudfish, found in a number of places in the Te Waihora catchment, including drains [...]
Lake is currently:CLOSED to the sea Latest lake level reading:0.83m msl recorded on July 17, 2023 READ MORE >>