WET projects featured at National Wetlands Restoration Symposium

By |2015-12-01T21:07:52+13:00April 5th, 2012|News, Projects|

WET Restoration Consultant, Stephen Brailsford, was a presenter at the National Wetland Restoration Symposium in Invercargill in March 2012.  Stephen explained the practical lessons learned from WET's Riparian Restoration Programme and the current Sustainable Drain Management project to a large and enthusiastic audience from around New Zealand. His presentation (which can be downloaded here) features [...]

Sustainable Drain Management – a new initiative

By |2017-05-18T03:45:09+12:00September 7th, 2011|News, Projects|

Landowners around Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere are being offered a wide range of free advice on how best to manage drains and waterways on their properties. For the latest updates on this project, we have a separate page where we will be adding news and information over the coming months. The Sustainable Drains Project is a [...]

Catchment Planting Programme 2008 – 11

By |2015-12-01T21:07:52+13:00September 5th, 2011|Projects|

Back in 2008 WET secured funding for a riparian restoration programme. This project has seen over 50,000 natives planted and a great deal has been achieved, A summary has now been added to this page and can be accessed by clicking on this link.

Papers Past – The Ellesmere Guardian

By |2015-12-01T21:07:53+13:00June 10th, 2011|News, Projects|

Another 20,000 pages of The Ellesmere Guardian went online on April 15th, covering the period 1906 to 1945.  A celebration was held at Leeston Library in early May. This a real partnership project, with WET coordinating financial contributions from Lincoln University Library, Selwyn District Libraries, Christchurch City Libraries, Ellesmere Historical Society and from WET.  The [...]

Riparian Restoration – lessons learned

By |2017-05-18T03:45:09+12:00March 28th, 2011|Projects|

WET's riparian restoration programme, undertaken over the last couple of planting seasons, has provided a lot of information and helped us to understand what works well in the catchment. We have now produced a new flyer summarising some of the key points to consider when undertaking riparian restoration and outlining the costs of each stage. [...]

Implementing the Community Strategy

By |2017-05-18T03:45:09+12:00December 7th, 2010|Projects|

In response to concerns about the decline in the water quality of Te Waihora Lake Ellesmere, an Issues group was formed in 2002.  This group represented a wide range of interests and they met regularly over 2 years and consulted widely to develop a vision and Strategy for the future management of the Lake and [...]

The Ellesmere Guardian, WET and Papers Past

By |2017-05-18T03:45:09+12:00December 7th, 2010|Projects|

WET Trustee Rob McPherson is working on a project which will soon see a further 20,000 digitised pages of the Ellesmere Guardian available to view free of charge, as part of the Papers Past project. The “Guardian” was published at Southbridge and then Leeston twice weekly from 1880 until 1974, when it became a weekly [...]

Restoration Planting

By |2017-05-18T03:45:09+12:00August 30th, 2010|Projects|

As part of a series of grants from the Sustainable Farming Fund and the Sustainable Management Fund, WET has developed a series of riparian restoration priorities for the next three years. If you live in one of the following catchments and are interested in free advice, free preparation, and free planting of appropriate native species, then we would like to hear from you. A series of workshops and material will be available to further promote opportunities between now and July 2010.


By |2017-05-18T03:45:09+12:00August 28th, 2010|Projects|

Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere State of the Lake Edited by K. Hughey and K. Taylor, published 2009. This publication, produced with assistance from the Biodiversity Advice Fund, Environment Canterbury, Department of Conservation, Fish & Game NZ, Selwyn District Council and Christchurch City Council,  draws together the key findings of the Living Lake Symposium held in 2007. [...]

Statutory Agencies Group

By |2015-12-01T21:07:54+13:00August 17th, 2010|Projects|

Waihora Ellesmere Trust facilitates the Statutory Agencies Group for Te Waihora Lake Ellesmere. The Group is made up of representatives from Environment Canterbury, Selwyn District Council, Christchurch City Council, Ngai Tahu, the Department of Conservation, the Ministry of Fisheries, Fish and Game, and Lincoln University. The Group's role is to develop and implement an integrated [...]

Lake is currently:CLOSED to the sea Latest lake level reading:0.83m msl recorded on July 17, 2023 READ MORE >>