The Land and Water Forum comprises a range of primary industry groups, environmental and recreational NGOs, iwi and other organisations with an interest in freshwater and land management.

They are holding a series of public meetings which are an opportunity for you to hear about their recommendations and to share your views with Forum members and others from your area.

Christchurch meeting:

When: Wednesday 9 February 2011 from 7pm to 9.30pm,
Where: Commodore Airport Hotel (449 Memorial Avenue, Christchurch)
RSVP to to let them know if you are planning to attend.

The government has asked the Forum to provide advice on how New Zealand’s water should be managed. The Forum is required to identify shared outcomes and goals for freshwater and related land management through a collaborative process, and identify options to achieve these outcomes and goals.

The public meetings are an important opportunity for interested people and parties to share their views before the Government makes its decisions.

For more information and a copy of the Forum’s report visit