

Can you help?

October 27th, 2015|News|

Have you seen any koura (freshwater crayfish) or kakihi (freshwater mussels)? Environment Canterbury is keen to investigate the current state of koura and kakahi populations in the region. These mysterious creatures are important mahinga kai [...]

Lake Level update – November 30, 2015

October 11th, 2015|News|

The lake is currently CLOSED to the sea. The calm average level of the lake on Friday November 27 was 0.74m. Q: What are the potential lake opening levels? A: Between 1 August to 31 [...]

Targeted Stream Augmentation – Boggy Creek

October 8th, 2015|News|

At our recent AGM Trustee Brett Painter, who is Project Leader for this Canterbury Water Management Strategy Project, gave a short talk on the work to date on Targeted Stream Augmentation in the Selwyn-Waihora catchment. [...]

Land and Water Regional Plan – Variation 4

October 7th, 2015|News|

Submissions on Variation 4 to the LWRP close on Monday October 12. For information and to make a submission visit the ECan website. Some of the provisions in this variation to the plan could have [...]

Video series features Te Waihora

September 4th, 2015|News|

A series of short videos has been launched. Ngai Tahu Mahinga Kai is a lifestyle series featuring 12 ten minute episodes filmed in the stunning landscape of Te Waipounamu. It captures the stories and essence [...]

Lake is currently:CLOSED to the sea Latest lake level reading:0.83m msl recorded on July 17, 2023 READ MORE >>