

Whakaora Te Waihora Science Hui

November 20th, 2014|News|

We had a great turn out for the recent hui where the results and progress reports on a series of research projects were presented. WET helped out with planning and organisation of the day. The [...]

Information for farmers

October 31st, 2014|News|

There are a lot of changes coming up for farmers over the next few years. New rules will be coming into effect which require all farmers to limit the discharge of nutrients and most farms [...]

Ellesmere A&P Show 2014

October 29th, 2014|News|

The weather held for a great day out at the Ellesmere A&P Show. This year WET got together with Te Ara Kakariki and Weedbusters (supported by the ECan Biodiversity Team). Our displays had lots of [...]

Draft SDC Open Space Strategy

October 24th, 2014|News|

Have your say! Consultation is now open on a new draft Open Spaces Strategy, which is designed to provide a framework for maintaining and developing open spaces in Selwyn over the next 30 years. Read [...]

Whakaora Te Waihora Science Hui

October 9th, 2014|News|

Come along and hear about a range of significant lake-related research projects. 9am to 1.30pm on Thursday, 6 November. Lincoln Event Centre, Meijer Drive, Lincoln Places are limited so please reply as soon as possible [...]

Lake is currently:CLOSED to the sea Latest lake level reading:0.83m msl recorded on July 17, 2023 READ MORE >>