

Celebrating 10 Green Footprint Plantings!

September 22nd, 2014|News|

Over 80 volunteers gathered at Coes Ford on September 12 to plant natives and celebrate the 1oth planting to be carried out as part of this project. This project is a great collaboration between WET, [...]

Tai Tapu Bush – an outdoor classroom

September 22nd, 2014|News|

Over the last couple of years the local community have transformed a part of Rhodes Reserve by the Halswell River in Tai Tapu. Known locally as Tai Tapu Bush, WET helped out with the initial [...]

2014 AGM with guest speaker Dr Andrew West

August 27th, 2014|News|

Come along to our AGM on Monday September 22, 6.30pm at Lincoln Event Centre - all welcome! A short AGM will be followed by a talk from our guest speaker, Dr Andrew West, Vice-Chancellor Lincoln [...]

Green Footprint Planting Day – September 12, 2014

August 11th, 2014|News|

September 12, 2014 will see the 10th annual planting undertaken as part of the Green Footprint project - a  partnership between WET, YHA, SDC, the Coes and Chamberlains Ford Reserve Management Committee and Enviroschools. This [...]

Canterbury Plantout 2014

August 7th, 2014|News|

Registrations are now open for this year's Plantout - a fun day out helping restore our native habitats Join TAK for the 2014 Canterbury Plantout, a fun day outdoors with the opportunity to see new [...]

Our plan for 2014 – 15

June 17th, 2014|News|

At our recent Trust meeting, the Trustees approved an update to our Action Plan which covers what WET is planning for 2014 - 15. You can read the update here. The Action Plan is a [...]

Lake is currently:CLOSED to the sea Latest lake level reading:0.83m msl recorded on July 17, 2023 READ MORE >>