

Highest recorded lake level since 1941

June 26th, 2013|News|

Following an exceptionally wet few days, when some people reported rainfalls of around 200mm in the lower catchment, the level of Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere reached 1.77msl at Taumutu on June 25th, 2013.  This was the [...]

Opening the Lake

June 26th, 2013|News|

Opening the lake to the sea to manage the lake level is challenging for the ECan engineers, who create a channel using heavy machinery. These photos are from June 26th, 2013 when the lake was [...]

South Island Dairy Event 2013

June 26th, 2013|News|

WET had a small display at the recent South Island Dairy Event (SIDE) held at Lincoln University on June 24 - 26. We featured some information about sustainable drain management. WET Chair Hamish [...]

Lake is currently:CLOSED to the sea Latest lake level reading:0.83m msl recorded on July 17, 2023 READ MORE >>