It’s time to register for the third Living Lake (and catchment) symposium, hosted by WET and to be held at Lincoln University on Tuesday November 15th and Wednesday November 16th.  A field trip will follow on Saturday November 19th to some key sites of interest around the Lake and catchment.

Download a registration form and further details here.

Day 1 will feature updates on biophysical, cultural, social and economic aspects of Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere, and will include presentations on recent science and research.

Day 2 will begin with the keynote address from Professor David Hamilton of Waikato University and have more of a focus on management and governance of the catchment.

The afternoon of day 2 will cover new initiatives under the Canterbury Water Management Strategy and a presentation about the Selwyn-Waihora Zone Implementation Programme. This session is free to attend but registration is required.

Support from Environment Canterbury, Ngai Tahu, Lincoln University, Meridian, Department of Conservation, Selwyn District Council, Fish & Game NZ, Canterbury Community Trust, Fonterra  and NIWA has allowed us to keep the registration fees to a minimum. There are great concessions* for WET members, so if you aren’t already a member this is a good opportunity to join us.

*A maximum of one concessionary registration per membership is available, regardless of membership type