A Water Conservation Order (WCO) is provided for by the Resource Management Act 1991 and recognises the outstanding amenity or intrinsic values that water provides, in either a natural or modified state. Regional and district plans must not be inconsisent with WCOs and resource consents must take the provisions of a WCO into consideration.
Environment Canterbury have publicly notified an application lodged by Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu and the Department of Conservation for amendments to the National Water Conservation (Lake Ellesmere) Order 1990.
As a result of the Environment Canterbury Temporary Commissioners and Improved Water Management Act 2010, ECan is now responsible for hearing Water Conservation Order applications and making recommendations to the Minister for the Environment. Previously, a Special Tribunal had this responsibility.
The details of the proposed changes, the background information and submission forms can be found on the ECan website. The closing date for submissions is Friday February 11th.
Our ‘Opening the Lake’ page has further background information, including details of the current resource consent for Lake opening, a ‘beginner’s guide’ to opening the Lake and comments from community meetings held in 2009 to discuss different lake management scenarios.