As consumers demand traceability, sustainability, quality and competitive pricing, how can producers keep up without degrading our natural resources and native biodiversity for generations to come? See details here.

7.30pm, doors open 7.00pm
Lincoln University, Stewart Building, Lecture Theatre One

$5.00 koha.
Refreshments and nibbles provided.

Join respected broadcaster Kim Hill and panellists in a stimulating discussion on the ultimate balancing act.

  • Brent Clothier, Plant & Food Research
  • Jon Manhire, Agribusiness Group
  • Andy MacFarlane, Farmer & farm consultant
  • Liz Wedderburn, Portfolio Leader AgResearch
  • Andy West, Vice-Chancellor Lincoln University

The panel will look at the knowledge gap; the urban/rural divide; the challenges for tomorrow’s producers; the choices for tomorrow’s consumers and the ultimate price to pay.